Israel between East and West
Book 1953 Patai, Raphael

IsraelisMiddle East > Middle East
This is a study of human relations in Israel, particularly in terms of assimilation processes, between elements of the Middle Eastern culture represented by Oriental Jews, and Western culture represented by European Jewish immigrants. Patai claims th...

Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East
Book 1959 Patai, Raphael

IsraelitesMiddle East > Middle East
This study draws heavily on the nineteenth and twentieth century ethnography of the Middle East to understand gender roles and relations in Ancient Israel, a direct historical approached deemed valid because biblical and late modern families in the r...

The Arabs of Palestine
Book 1947 Shimoni, Yaacov et al.

PalestiniansMiddle East > Middle East
This is a description of the Arab community in the former Palestine just before the partition. In this translation, the following subjects are discussed: origins, Muslim customs and sanctuaries, Muslim organization, Arab minorities, Christians, Bedou...